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Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures (TSCM) Services

5G RF Spectrum Scanning & Analysing

Did you know that most TSCM operators in Australia are using equipment built and designed for RF Spectrum Analysing of 3G/4G frequencies - even in 2023? When challenged they will argue that it does not matter... that their equipment is still the best and is current. Ha! How is it that mobile phones and laptop CPU's become obsolete after 18 to 24 months - yet these guys are running around with the "latest" equipment designed in the previous decade (or even older)? At best they don't know this - and at worst they do know but instead choose to protect their CAPEX rather than disclose the "frequency scan shortfall" to unsuspecting clients.

Well the facts matter to us, and it should matter to you to, and to your own end-clients. 5G NR (FR1) is < 7.225 GHz, but 5G NG (FR2) is 24.250 GHz ~ 52.600 Ghz... This is opensource information... and your preferred TSCM operator should have informed you about this since 3GPP released the proposed allocations in DEC 2017.


Two years later, in OCT 2019, ACMA solidified this when they announced Australian 5G licenced allocation would officially include 25.1 GHz ~ 27.5 GHz... so why use an operator using tools that max out at 6, or 12, or 24 GHz or that does not tell you they can not do 5G NR (FR2)? Our primary system does 30 Ghz out of the box... and when needed, we know how to go higher (or shorter, actually, as this is microwave millimetre territory)!


A non-linear junction device can be used to find mobile phones and other devices hidden in walls, plaster, or furniture - even when they are off or the battery has died and they are not transmitting. This is kind of like using a stud finder crossed with a metal detector... but not really. An NLJD sweep is much more advanced and sophisticated... and should be done at different frequencies depending on the surface material you are trying to penetrate.


The ASMD detects audio eavesdropping such as those on Telephone Lines, or from hidden device. The system works by detecting the radiated field created whenever a microphone detects sound. The operator can either listen to the detected audio or establish acoustic feedback.

Search Tool Kit

Not everything can (or should) be done by a sophisticated and automated machine! Basic and Intermediate tools are also used in conjunction with our 5G RF Spectrum Analyser, NLJD, and ASMD. Some of these more manual capabilities are detailed below:

We See What You Can't See

We use Forensic UV/Blue light torches, Thermal IR/NIR cameras, CCTV/Pinhole Hidden Camera Lens Detectors, and portable Backscatter X-Ray machines. These tools allow our operator to "see the unseen" through a holistic and methodical approach to physical searches


Direction Finder

Detecting a hidden camera, microphone, or mobile phone that is on and transmitting is one thing - finding it is another. Our tools also allow us to track down the physical location the device is transmitting from after being detected. This is very useful in locations with multiple rooms or offices

Your Report ~ Your Brand

We provide a simple certificate of our service, or a detailed report displaying information on all channels & frequencies we detected in the target location. This includes details of our search methodology + any security recommendations. Reports are unlocked; ready for your own branding


TSCM Teams for any budget or threat level

We utilise a mix of single, one (1) man teams for Residential/Domestic Violence matters, through to three or more (3+) manned teams with Registered Electrical Contractors (REC) for ASX "Blue Chip" companies or Government Agencies, and alternative team configurations to address everything in between such as a small business, our council office.


Add-ons such as vehicle checks, Company Penetration Testing & Digital Risk Protection, and mobile phone malware/spyware/tracking checks are also available.

©2023 by Oxford Investigation Group

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